Super-sized scoops of delight at Antartica

Antarctica, Thiruvananthapuram, offers fancy ice creams in giant quantities, burgers and shawarma
Want to embark on a journey on the Titanic, drop in to sneak a peek at Burj Khalifa and end the globe-trotting at Kovalam lighthouse, all at one go? Well, then the place you are looking for is Antarctica – The Juice Bar and Burger Land, the new cool in town.

The small but neat joint near Statue that boasts a variety of juices, burgers, sandwiches and shawarma has, however, been creating a buzz for their ‘monster shakes’ and faloodas with fancy names and enticing appearances. Enticing because they simply look so mouth-watering.

As we step in, there’s music in the background, thankfully not the likes that attack your ears with high decibels. The air-conditioned place with its bright orange walls already offers you a pleasant refuge from the din and heat of the bustling neighbourhood.

On burgers and sandwiches, you have individual and combo offers, the latter comes with French fries and a shot of a carbonated soft drink.

Shawarma can be bun, roll or plate – beef on Thursdays and Fridays and alternating between chicken or spicy chicken on other days.

Now, the order of the day – Spanish delight shake, Titanic falooda, beef shawarma bun and Zinger sandwich (individual).