Balika Vadhu watch all episodes online

Balika Vadhu — Kachchi Umar Ke Pakke Rishte

Balika Vadhu


Balika Vadhu, set in rural Rajasthan,  traces the arduous journey of child bride Anandi from the brink of childhood to womanhood. Revolving around the life of Anandi who is married to Shiv and Jagya who is married to Ganga, this show put forth the problems related to social issues and the repercussions for the rest of their lives.

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The show is set in rural Rajasthan and addresses issues invovling child marriage. It features Anandi (Toral Rasputra), married at age eight to Jagdish (Shashank Vyas), the only grandson of Kalyani Devi (Surekha Sikri).


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